Circle Dance around the world
with Sophia Hatch
Saturday APRIL 27th 2pm- 5pm
At Longwood Mechanics Hall, Longwood Gate, HUDDERSFIELD, HD3 4UU
£10 (low incomes/benefits)
£15 please pay in advance
Bring snacks to share for tea time break .Hot drinks provided.
Circle dances from around the world :traditional or recent (with wonderful music from
Bob Marley to Bach and allsorts in between) some lively some slow and meditational .
NO partners or experience needed
The aim is creating joy..peace…energy…community rather than “getting it right”
ENQUIRIES / BOOKINGS to Julia Mercer . 01484 647229 [email protected].
Please make cheques payable to S.Hatch and send to 320,Vicarage Rd, Longwood, Hudds HD3 4HJ